Daysi Baez Apps

Relax Sounds 1.0
Daysi Baez
This convenient Apps helps us to practicerelaxation so necessary in a time when we all run every day tofulfill our commitments , that cause us emotional distress causinguncomfortable symptoms such as difficulty concentrating , feelingsof stress, negative thoughts , restlessness , difficulty to carryout tasks or activities , increased heart rate, blood pressure,etc. .A tremendous stress reduction provided by this Apps. We can useit to lie down , to take a shower in our quotations, in a waitingroom for sleeping babies , etc. . We will obtain the followinghealth benefits :- Stress Reduction- Increased level of awareness- Higher level of rest. Deeper rest .- Balance in blood pressure .- Better oxygenation.- Increased level of energy, vitality .- Higher level of recovery efforts .- Predominantly positive thoughts .- Higher learning.
Like my Dad 1.0
Daysi Baez
Classical song performed by Topo Gigio smallchildren's television puppet.It was created by Maria Perego in 1958. His first televisionappearance was in 1959 in the Italian program Canzonissima andoriginal voice was played by actor Jorge Gallardo.The animation work of this character was famous, as was his "eyedrop" when he was embarrassed and wanted to get something.Basically built of foam and rubber dress clothes small whose stylewas evolving with the times, I was encouraged deftly from behind ablack background while hiding those who were behind the scenes.This melody binds and commends parents and children.
Buscando a Jesús 1.0
Daysi Baez
Aplicación motivacional basada en principioscristianos para mostrar a nuestros hijos la importancia de buscar aJesús mediante un divertido video basado en el rebaño del Señornuestro Dios.Con este Apps los niños aprenden a orar.Motivational Christianprinciples based application to show our children the importance oflooking to Jesus through a fun video based on the flock of the Lordour God.Apps with this children learn to pray.
Cucu sang the Frog 1.0
Daysi Baez
Classic children's song, which allows childrento enrich their vocabulary. For its development is convenient torepeat the rhythm of the song intonations. The images in this videoremain attentive to the intonations.Big fun with Cucu sang the Frog
Mi Barba Tiene Tres Pelos 1.0
Daysi Baez
Las canciones infantiles son un divertidoentretenimiento para los niños. Les ayuda en su desarrollopsicomotor, mientras bailan haciendo los gestos de la canción,aprenden nuevas palabras y se divierten.La canción 'Mi barba tiene tres pelos' es una tradicionalcanción infantil para bailar. Descubre con los niños la importanciade la música en su desarrollo con esta canción.Nursery rhymes are a funentertainment for kids. It helps them in their psychomotordevelopment while making gestures dance song, learn new words andfun.The song 'My beard has three hairs' is a traditional children'ssong to dance. Discover with the children the importance of musicin your development with this song.
Un Elefante Se Columpiaba 1.0
Daysi Baez
Un elefante se balanceaba o un elefante secolumpiaba, es el método más antiguo que utilizaron y siguenutilizando nuestros padres para hacernos dormir, rabiar, oeducarnos.Consiste en la repetición de una serie de estrofas que comienzanpor un número cardinal que se va incrementando a lo largo deltiempo, seguido de una teoría de la no gravedad mediante la cual unpaquidermo desafía las leyes de la física al aguantar sobre unafina tela de araña el tiempo que haga falta.An elephant or anelephant swung swung, is the oldest method used and continue to useour parents to let us sleep, raging, or educate.Is the repetition of a series of stanzas that begin with acardinal number to be increasing over time, followed by a theory ofgravity in which not a pachyderm defies the laws of physics to bearon a fine cloth Spider the time it takes.
Tres Pececitos 1.0
Daysi Baez
Excelente canción infantil con un tema deverano, ideal si vais a ir a la playa, así los pequeños se laaprenden.Esta canción es divertida y original.Por la pradera, lagunas y maresson tres pececitos con su linda mamá,ella decía no dejen de nadar,nadando al dique querían llegar…Excellent children's songwith a summer theme, ideal if you are going to go to the beach, sothe learning is small.This song is fun and original.On the prairie, lakes and seasThere are three fishes with his cute momShe said do not stop swimming,swimming dock wanted to get ...
Shapes Song 1.0
Daysi Baez
Fun and educational song that helps to learnthe geometric shapesA shape is the form of an object or its external boundary,outline, or external surface, as opposed to other properties suchas color, texture, material composition.Some simple shapes can be put into broad categories. Forinstance, polygons are classified according to their number ofedges as triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, etc. Each of theseis divided into smaller categories; triangles can be equilateral,isosceles, obtuse, acute, scalene, etc. while quadrilaterals can berectangles, rhombi, trapezoids, squares, etc.
RCP para Niños 1.0
Daysi Baez
La importancia de tener a mano las mejorespracticas y tenicas para La Resucitación Cardiopulmonar, enespecial para niños,Un paro cardio pulmonar es la combinación de dos condiciones queponen en peligro la vida humana: respiración y latidos del corazónhan parado. Esto puede ser producido por un sin número de razonestales como: ataque cardiaco, ahogamiento, heridas severas, sobredosis de drogas o un estado de shock. RCP es el acrónimo deReanimación Cardio Pulmonar o Resucitación Cardio Pulmonar. "RCP"es una combinación de dos diferentes técnicas: ventilaciones derescate y compresiones en el punto medio del pecho que masajean elcorazón. Estás dos técnicas tratan de proveer el cuerpo de unavictima con dos cosas que son esenciales para la vida: Respiracióny Circulación de sangre cargada de oxígeno.RCP puede salvar una vida y es crucial cuando se maneja unavíctima en estado inconsciente que no respira. La muerte puedeocurrir en 8 ó 10 minutos y el cerebro sufrir daños irreversiblesdespués de 4 a 6 minutos sin recibir oxígeno.The importance of handtechnic and best practices for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation,especially for children,A cardiopulmonary arrest is the combination of two conditionsthat endanger human life: breathing and heartbeat have stoppedheart. This can be caused by a number of reasons such as heartattack, drowning, severe injury, drug overdose or a state of shock.CPR stands for Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation or Cardio PulmonaryResuscitation. "RCP" is a combination of two different techniques:compressions and rescue breaths at the midpoint of the chest tomassage the heart. You are two techniques try to provide the bodyof a victim with two things that are essential for life:Respiration and Circulation of blood carrying oxygen.CPR can save a life and is crucial when a victim managesunconscious not breathing. Death can occur in 8 to 10 minutessuffer irreversible brain damage after 4-6 minutes withoutreceiving oxygen.
Birthday 1.0
Daysi Baez
How many times have you have the track readyto celebrate loved ones with a birthday song?This Apps you will find four different rhythms to celebrateanother year of life for you and your loved ones.
Hypnotiser Joke 1.0
Daysi Baez
Excellent application to make a joke to yourcolleagues and friends, to hypnotize for a big surprise.You can share this fun application for the enjoyment of all,
Twist del Esqueleto 1.0
Daysi Baez
Este entretenido baile, te remontara alpasado,permitiendo que sanamente puedas divertirte nuevamente.Puedes verlocuantas veces quieras y mostrarlo a tus amigos yparientes. Si nuncalo habías escuchado, es momento de bailar conestos divertidosesqueletos.This entertainingdanceyou soar upward to the past, allowing healthy can have funagain.You can watch it whenever you want and show it to yourfriends andrelatives. If you've never heard, time to dance withthese funskeletons.
Love Frecuency 1.0
Daysi Baez
The frequency of 528 Hz. It is known asthefrequency of love. It is used as healing in meditation.TheSolfeggio frequency 528 Hz for repairing and positivelytransformthe DNA. According to a Harvard researcher, Dr. Horowitzexists asound and a color associated with love, this sound is thefrequencyof 528 Hz which helps to open your Heart, feel peace andacceleratehealing.Surprisingly is the exact frequency used by geneticbiochemiststo repair DNA structures that are broken or damaged,which is ahealthy indoor water crystal structured six-sidedIt is a relaxing, deep and with a small bell sound effect thatisrepeated every so often to keep our brains active and can importtheinformation that is coming will sound.If you use this recording recommend using stereo headphonestostimulate theta brain waves.The Solfeggio frequency 528 Hz for repairing andpositivelytransform the DNA. According to a Harvard researcher, Dr.Horowitzexists a sound and a color associated with love, this soundis thefrequency of 528 Hz which helps to open your Heart, feelpeace andaccelerate healing.In the words of Dr. Horowitz "We know the love signal,thefrequency of 528 Hz is among the six core creative frequenciesofthe universe because math does not tell lies, the geometryofphysical reality is reflected in this music; The findings havebeenindependently discovered, reviewed and validated empirically."The frequency 528, is related to the note MI on the musicalscale(do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si) and comes from the phrase"MI-ragestorum" meaning MIRACLE. It is not surprising that it isused inchemical biogenetica to repair broken DNA. 528 Hz isrelated to thecrown chakra.Regular musical note DO or "C" is not the regular frequency of528Hz, as this vibrates at a frequency of 523.3 Hz. Do notethatvibrates at 528 Hz used to repair the DNA is part of anancientscale called SOLFEGGIO .
Funny Dinosaur Pedos 1.0
Daysi Baez
Funny short about farts, dinosaurs showslikefriends share their skills in the art of farting. But do nothavethe tricks of the pig. If you see it you'll have fun.